Everything you need to know about NYSEG’s heat pump incentives


If you’re looking to upgrade your home’s HVAC system, NYSEG’s new heat pump incentives could be the perfect opportunity to save on the cost of your new system and on your monthly power bill. NYSEG’s rebates offer a variety of options as far as the type of system and the level to which you plan to decommission your current fossil fuel system. In this article we’ll guide you through the eligibility criteria, the types of rebates available, and how to get your upgrade process started.


Additional Resources

At a glance: 

  • NYSEG is rolling out new heat pump rebate incentives for their electric and combination electric/natural gas customers.
  • Mini-splits, ground-source heat pumps, and air-to-water heat pumps are all eligible. 
  • You can earn between $800 and $1,500 in rebates just by switching to a heat pump, plus other credits and incentives that the experts at Tetra can help you find.

If you’re looking to upgrade your home’s HVAC system, NYSEG’s new heat pump incentives could be the perfect opportunity to save on the cost of your new system and on your monthly power bill. NYSEG’s rebates offer a variety of options as far as the type of system and the level to which you plan to decommission your current fossil fuel system. In this article we’ll guide you through the eligibility criteria, the types of rebates available, and how to get your upgrade process started. 

NYSEG Heating and Cooling Clean Heat Rebate Details

Who is eligible: All NYSEG/RG&E electric customers or combination natural gas and electric customers who replace their existing furnace, boiler, or water heat with an eligible heat pump. Natural gas only customers are not eligible at this time. 

What kinds of heat pumps are eligible for rebates?: Everything from mini-split heat pumps, to air-to-water heat pumps, to ground-source heat pumps. For the complete list of eligible heat pumps, check out this resource

Rebate amounts based on BTUs: Part of your rebate depends on the BTUs that your system generates. NYSEG offers $1,200 for every 10k of BTUs. Tetra typically installs systems that generate between 45k to 55k BTUs, which comes out to around $5,400 to $6,600 in rebates.

If you disable or remove your system: you can get up to $1,200 in rebates. Retrofit projects are eligible. New construction and gut rehabs are not at this time. 

If you keep your current system as backup: you can get $800 in rebates. 

Clean Heat Air Source Heat Pump Rebate Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible for this rebate, your heat pump must be on the NYS Clean Heat list and meet 100% of BHL design conditions. Retrofit projects, new construction, and gut rehabs are all eligible. 

Ground-Source Heat Pump rebates: You can earn the highest rebate of $1,500 for a Ground-Source heat pump. 

Ground Source or Geothermal Heat Pump Eligibility requirements: To earn this rebate, your heat pump must meet or exceed the ENERGY STAR Geothermal heat pump specifications among a few other details. You can find the full list of requirements here. 

Air-to-Water Heat Pump rebates: You can earn a rebate of $800 with an air-to water heat pump. 

How to take advantage of the NYSEG Heat Pump Rebate

It might feel really confusing to understand all these heat pump rebates and system eligibility rules- and what makes sense for you and your home. As a NYSEG participating contractor, Tetra has plenty of experts waiting to help you kick off your project. We will make sure to only install rebate eligible systems and maximize your rebate amount. Schedule your free consultation today to get a free virtual estimate and we'll walk you through the process step by step.

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You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers


How do I apply for the NYSEG rebate program?

All you have to do is contact a participating contractor, like Tetra. They’ll visit your home, recommend the right equipment, and fill out the application.

Are there income restrictions for eligibility?

At this time, incomes of all levels are eligible.

How many BTUs do I need?

It varies greatly by home but we usually install between 45k to 55k BTUs per home.

How long does it take to receive your rebate after installation.

You get your rebate instantly. No waiting for rebates!

Can I combine NYSEG rebates with other state or federal incentives?

Yes you can. The experts at Tetra know all the details on the other incentive programs and can help you maximize your rebate savings.

What if my home requires additional electrical work to support a heat pump?

It is possible that your home will require some electrical updates. Our team will assess your home’s needs and help you make sure that you are ready for a heat pump.

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Find the best HVAC rebates for your new system
Rebates! How much $$$ can you save?
We'll calculate just how much money you can get back from your state, local, and federal government. Then we’ll do all the paperwork for you.
Find the best HVAC rebates for your new system
Rebates! How much $$$ can you save?
We'll calculate just how much money you can get back from your state, local, and federal government. Then we’ll do all the paperwork for you.
Find the best HVAC rebates for your new system
Rebates! How much $$$ can you save?
We'll calculate just how much money you can get back from your state, local, and federal government. Then we’ll do all the paperwork for you.